But as much as they abhor violence and aggression, Sufis are committed to defending right and justice. (They are unified as a single shield).
Last year on 3rd of Esfand, 1387, while the atmosphere of oppression and despair had dominated every aspect of Iranians, the Nematollahi-Gonabadi Sufis, despite grave danger facing them, rallied from all across Iran to the capital. They protested in front of the Parliament against the systematic and continual oppression, violence and injustice bestowed upon them for many years.
Numbering in tens of thousands they demanded justice and retribution. In the stifling atmosphere of fear and despair, against a powerful system that skillfully had for many years crafted a culture based on superstition devoid of slightest remnants of rational thinking, basic standards of fairness and justice, the Darvishes’ movement laid the foundation for hope. Hope for a nation, of resistance against physical, cultural, emotional, and spiritual violence that had been imposed on them for decades.
According to official reports eight hundred and fifty people were arrested on that day. Many spent months in the infamous Evin prison subjected to daily violence and torture. But they resisted their captors , honoring and preserving their principles and their pact with their God.
Remembrance of this day matters because it symbolizes the principles of altruism, fight for truth, justice and freedom for all, without resorting to violence.
May the Darvishes (Sufis), through their teachings, writings, struggles, and perseverance help all Iranians to reach their long overdue right – Freedom, Democracy, Peace and Prosperity.
The International Committee in Defense of Daravish and Students of Iran